Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cooler weather photos

Here's cousin Evey with Marina. They came and watched Jett play soccer. It was a cool March then! Jett's last soccer game is this Saturday! And we are already signed up for fall.

We went to the parade for the KU NCAA National Basketball Champions. Again, more cold! It was April too. Here's the kids with dad, ready to greet the team.

Here's Brandon Rush on the back of a convertible. Jett and Mark are to the left of the picture, ready to give him a handshake and congrats!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day fun

I hate to say it we didn't do anything patriotic. The best we did was get Marina in her cool new swimsuit. The water was very cold but that didn't stop her from getting in the neighborhood baby pool.

Here's some big news from our house -- Jett's preschool graduation! I'm so proud! Here he is looking so happy!

Some other good pictures to share...

A picture that I actually look good in - so had to include it!

Marina is wearing Jett's Superman tank from when he was little. Since she's wearing it, we call her Super-baby. I even gave her a hair worm.